
The Old House

Read this passage CAREFULLY and answer the questions below. Select the BEST answer by clicking on the circle next to it.

"Mike, are you coming to the old house," said Noel as they strolled out of the school gates with Will at the end of a hot summer's day.

"Sorry, I can't" responded Mike, "after what happened there last year, my parents would kill me if they found out."

"You're just afraid there might be werewolves" derided his friend.

"Don't be silly, Noel, as if anyone would believe that story!"

"Ok," said Will "just to prove you're not chicken, let's all go up there at midnight tonight. There's going to be a full moon."

"You're on" replied Mike. "I'll meet you both at the usual place at the end of my road."

At five minutes to midnight Mike slipped out of his bedroom window and slid down the drainpipe, landing noiselessly on the concrete below. He glided across the road and walked to the post box at the junction. Leaning against the post box, he looked at his watch as a weird screeching noise erupted from the neighbouring forest. Mike shivered involuntarily. "It's only an owl" he told himself unconvincingly. It was 12:05 and the others had still not arrived. He was about to go home when they appeared.

The friends set off through the forest, the cheerful banter of the afternoon merely a distant memory. They covered the two-mile walk in silence, each one locked in his own private thoughts.

"Is this it?" whispered Will, while he tried to hide his fear under his coat. Noel knew this was the right place. No other house would look the same. Moss crawled over the once magnificent walls, black tiles eerily skated over the roof. Mike spotted a rusting coat of arms depicting a wolf in the centre, on the oak front door. It was easy to see where the legend of the werewolves of Wolf Manor had come from!

Suddenly the silence was broken by an ear-splitting cry: "Arroooh!"

Mike looked at his friends. "It's a werewolf," he exclaimed!

"Eeeee" intoned a squeaking door.

"Help me!" cried a voice.............. 

The three friends looked at each other. No-one wanted to be the first to admit his terror. Suddenly they all shouted out in unison: "Run!"

In the confusion which followed, Noel and Will collided and ended up in a tangled heap on the floor. Mike conquered his fear and went back to help his friends. As they lay on the floor they could hear something coming closer. A figure staggered towards them.

"I'm no werewolf, but I'm in a lot of pain. Can you help me?"

Lit up by Will's torch, they could see an old man with a straggly beard and unkempt hair limping towards them, dragging his leg across the gravel. The left leg of his trousers was in tatters and a bloodstained scarf was tied around his shin. Suddenly he collapsed, his right shoulder crunching into the gravel.

"We need to get help, and fast" stated Will.

"Luckily, I came prepared" replied Noel pulling out his older brother's mobile phone. He tried to turn it on but the battery was as flat as a pancake.

"I knew I shouldn't have played Flappy Bird on it for three hours," he said regretfully.

Neither of the other boys had a mobile phone with them so Mike volunteered to run to the phone box, about 800m down the lane.

"I'll go with you" volunteered Will.

"No, it will only slow me down" answered Mike, "I'm the fastest runner in the ......."

The rest of his words were lost as he sprinted off along the rough track, dimly lit by moonlight, on the most important race of his life.

Will and Noel did their best to make the tramp (who they found out was called Bob) as comfortable as possible. Noel took off his coat and placed it over Bob's chest to keep him warm, while Will elevated the injured leg as he had been taught to do at Scouts.

The ambulance arrived first, bumping up the old track that led up from the main road, closely followed by a police car and, just behind that, by Mike's dad in his battered, blue jeep.

"Oh, no" said Mike, stepping out of the police car, "it's my dad and he's going to kill me!"

"You're not going to kill a hero are you?" asked the policeman.

"Many heroes down the ages have been put to death for their exploits" said Mike's dad with a wink.